In this multi-part blog we’ll
examine the cognitive processes involved in deciding to vaccinate a child. Specifically, I want to answer the question,
“what prevents people from arriving at the truth?” It's important to note that I
presuppose the truth about vaccines has been established. I take it for granted that vaccines are
beneficial AND safe. I’m in good company with this assumption as the vast majority of the scientific community, doctors, and even parents agree1. I am not interested in
debating specific claims about vaccines themselves. If you are in the vaccine-refusal crowd, I would like to refer you to the incredible amount of reliable resources available from accomplished scientists, trusted pediatricians, and world-renowned hospitals. My purpose here is to discuss why, despite
very strong evidence that vaccines are safe and almost miraculously effective,
people put their children's health at risk by declining to vaccinate them.
Vaccines. Are.
In order to
make any medical, financial, or life decisions, one must first examine the
benefits of the choice. If a parent
consents to allow their child to be stuck by a needle and injected, it better
be for a good reason. So what are the
benefits of vaccines? This question is both surprisingly easy and oddly
difficult to answer.
The easy answer: vaccines can save your child
from dying of a horrible, vaccine-preventable disease (VPD). As an example, these potential deaths include
but are not limited to:
Liver failure (hepatitis B)
Dehydration from diarrhea (rotavirus)
Respiratory failure from chocking on snot
Respiratory failure from full body contractures
Respiratory failure from choking on bacterial
goobers in the throat (diphtheria)
Respiratory failure from invasive bacterial
disease (pneumococcus)
Respiratory failure from a swollen epiglottis (h.
Respiratory failure from paralysis (polio)
Brain failure [encephalitis] (measles)
10. Meningitis
11. Cancer (HPV)
12. Smallpox
…and this is not an exhaustive list nor does it include the
multitude of complications each VPD may cause.
First, smallpox. Smallpox
killed an estimated 300-500 million people in the 20th century (see the sweet graph I made). Do you know anything about smallpox? No? Me neither! I
know nothing about it because it no longer exists on earth except in
laboratories. And we have vaccines to thank.
Through wide-scale vaccination campaigns, endemic areas were targeted
and the disease was eradicated from the world.
I invite you to sit back for a minute and marvel at that thought.
Now Let’s
talk about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Through the use of a shot, we can prevent cancer, the Emperor of All Maladies.
HPV infects the cervix of women and causes inflammation, which over many years
promotes cancerous changes in the cervical cells. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth
leading cause of death from cancer for women, causing about 260,000 deaths per
year, or 1 in 14,000 females. And every single one of those deaths is
preventable. With the vaccine we can
prevent the cancer from ever forming. Think
about it: no chemotherapy, no needing your uterus removed or your abdomen
surgically explored for lymph nodes, no risk of cancer, all because 4 decades
earlier you were vaccinated.
So there
are significant benefits from vaccines.
Everyone enjoys not dying from horrible diseases, even those who are
anti-vaccines. Given the benefits, why
not vaccinate? The answer lies not in what the facts are, but in how the human
brain evaluates them.
Vivid Outcomes
If you
thought the section above was mildly graphic, it was intentional. Research demonstrates that the more affect laden an idea, the more detailed
and vivid with emotional content, the more likely the human brain is to pay
attention to it. Advertisers,
journalists, and Buzzfeed have long known this fact and it is now wreaking havoc
on every form of social media: “I thought it was just a 3-armed homeless
raccoon until 1:37 and then waterfalls flowed from my eyeballs.”
Vividness makes a fact more real to the brain. To demonstrate this, researchers measured the
amount participants would pay to avoid a chance of receiving a small electric
shock2. The probability of the shock varied between
participants. Some had low probabilities of being shocked while others had high
probabilities. Those who faced a 1%
chance of a shock were willing to pay $7 to avoid the shock, which was
proportionally more compared to those who faced a 99% chance and were only
willing to pay $10. In other words, the
factor that most influenced the price was the mere possibility of a shock while
increasing probability was comparatively undervalued. Electric shocks are vividly unpleasant. The fact that the probability existed, however
small, was enough to make it real in the minds of the participants and worth
paying to avoid.
Our perception of statistics is
also subject to vividness. Above, I gave a concrete number for cervical cancer
deaths, 1 in 14,000 females. I could
have expressed it as 0.00007% of all women; however, the human brain is
terrible with such percentages, which are translated as “negligibly
small”. In the former representation,
people focus on the 1 person and tend to ignore the denominator of 14,000,
making the chance seem much larger3. Comparatively, 1 person at risk is much more
compelling than a difficult-to-visualize small percentage of people.
Now, this explains why I described
the benefits the way I did, but it does not explain why people do not
vaccinate. The issue is that while the
benefits can be quite vivid, they are not on people’s minds. Part of this is the fault of the success of
vaccines. Few people living today know
the terror of smallpox, so in absence of obnoxious descriptions of its evils,
it has lost its vivid force. The same
goes for the more relevant VPDs like measles.
When infection rates fell, measles faded into the background of parental
worries because few people had to watch their child suffer from it. Inevitably, people started questioning the
benefit of the shot because the threat was no longer real to them. Unfortunately, measles does not care how real
you think it is. So the benefits lose
their affective power when they are not salient issues in people’s minds. Of course, it can become real again as the
recent affect-rich measles outbreak at Disneyland demonstrated with its flood
of media attention and angry Facebook statuses.
It is my hope that more kids do not have to become affect-laden
images, but given how quickly we forget current events, it seems that will
inevitably be the case.
Immediacy Effect
People also evaluate benefits by
how long it takes to realize them. As a
general rule, we tend to value short-term benefits more than long-term
benefits, a phenomenon researchers call the immediacy
effect4. Studies consistently show that when faced
with the choice, people will choose a smaller denomination of money if they
receive it sooner compared to a larger sum paid later. The short-term holds more promise to give you
pleasure in the time that actually matters, the present. Furthermore, the short-term has a greater
chance of actually happening compared to the long-term, where there are more
chances for a hope to go unfulfilled. We
experience this effect every day in the form of procrastination: “I should do
my taxes that are due in 3 months but I’ll probably just sit here and watch
this video of goats yelling like humans instead.” The future deadline of taxes holds little
value compared to the hilarity of those goats.
Similarly for vaccines the benefit of avoiding a disease is sometime in
the future, but the pain of watching your child receive a shot will happen
right now in front of your eyes.
Depending on how the parent evaluates the situation, she may value avoiding
tears now more than avoiding a disease she’s never seen before at some
uncertain time in the future
Ambiguous Probability
of Benefit
people may acknowledge that avoiding VPDs is generally a good goal, a parent
may dispute the probability that he or his child is in any appreciable danger
from them4. The benefit of vaccines is
easily demonstrable on a population level; however, at an individual level a
person may perceive that his risk is minimal.
If you couple this doubt with a perception of increased risk from the
vaccines themselves, then the scales will tip strongly in favor of forgoing the
shots. The fallacy of this thought is
that, while certain diseases like polio occur very infrequently, if this
mindset was prevalent throughout the population, then your risk profile changes
as the disease becomes more prevalent (e.g Parents at Disneyworld thought the
chance of their child contracting measles was basically zero). Statistics of disease rates are a slippery
measure, as decisions made on such statistics will change the rates themselves.
A related
situation to frequency is when parents doubt severity of the disease. A very popular argument against the measles
vaccine is that…measles schmeasels, amIright!
In other words, it’s a fever, cough and rash, big deal. This is based on a popular view of how the
disease manifests but fails to acknowledge the epidemiological data. All disease present in spectrum of severity
and measles is no different. 1 in 1000 kids with measles will die from it in developed countries, and if you’re vitamin A deficient in a developing country, it could be 1 in
4. When you take into account the other
complications, days hospitalized, sick days from school or work, then you can
see how easily measles becomes a big economic and public health burden in areas
with low vaccination rates.
I know I
said I wouldn’t slog through the weeds of specific arguments, but these are
illustrative of a larger point. The
human brain can very easily 1) manipulate statistical data for its own purposes
and 2) downplay statistical data if a representative mental image is
Affective Reasoning
It’s a
peculiarity of human reasoning that, despite the lip service we give to
rationality, our judgments can be partly or entirely based on how we feel
toward the topic. Cognitive
psychologists call the role that emotions play in reasoning the affect bias5. Research shows that negative feelings towards
vaccines will cause someone to underestimate potential benefits while
overestimating potential risks. These
feelings do not need to be based on data.
A negative anecdotal story about “vaccine injury” on the Internet might
change perceptions more than a ratio of numbers on paper because the story
makes us feel scared while the numbers make us feel tired. What’s more, our general feelings, unrelated
to the topic at hand, can also affect our judgment. We will discuss the affect bias and risk
assessment at length next post, but here let it suffice to say that if we feel
negatively towards vaccines, we are more likely to undervalue
its benefits.
So vaccines
are awesome and their primary benefit is not dying from VPDs. People evaluate these benefits along certain parameters. Vividness and affect-laden imagery make
people perceive benefits as more real.
Because VPDs are rare, they are not salient in people’s minds and thus
they lack vividness. People also value short-term benefits over long-term
benefits. Because preventing VPDs are a
long-term benefit, they are undervalued compared to the short-term benefit of
avoiding a child’s discomfort. People
may doubt the need for the benefits because many people will never suffer from VPDs. These rough statistical evaluations focus on isolated cases while
ignoring the wider context of risk that may increase because of such
decisions. Our feelings may shape our
decisions regardless of any benefit that exists. Affect bias is a decisive yet oftentimes
invisible factor in our judgment process.
Those of us
on the pro-vaccination side may have difficulty understanding how the clear
benefits of vaccines can be ignored by the anti-vaccination crowd. However, we can understand that a statement
of fact does not imply a conclusion. The
fact has to survive a mental obstacle course before it has meaning to a
human brain. We may not agree with their
conclusion but we can appreciate the process because we go through it as
well. Moreover, we can understand that a
statement of benefit does not determine an appropriate choice. People who smoke, ride their bikes without a
helmet, or choose to watch cat videos instead of studying for an upcoming test
know this tension well. For vaccinations, benefits are only part of the story.
Next time...
Risk, the flipside of benefit, plays a powerful role in decisions. In the next post we will examine the human brain’s relationship to risk. The relationship is complicated, filled with so many emotions and selfishness it deserves its own reality show. Most importantly, beyond demonstrating how we make health decisions, our relationship to risk illuminates an aspect of our mental life that is central to what makes us human.
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- Medicine Io. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality National Academies Press 2012.