Thursday, July 23, 2015

On Vaccines 3: Fear as Fission

Author's Note: I request you remember the ground rules for this post: I am taking it as a given that vaccines are effective and safe. If you would like to dispute this fact, then please review this obnoxiously hyperlinked sentence.
In this series, I am attempting to answer the question, “What keeps people from vaccinating their children?”  We are discussing vaccination behavior as a balance between the perceived risks and benefits of the choice.  In the first post of the series we discussed how we perceive benefits.  In the previous post we discussed the cognitive mechanisms of risk assessment as related to the affect heuristic.  Here we shall continue the discussion of risk and finish by exploring its relationship to our humanity.    

Loss Aversion
            People dislike losses more than they like gains4.  Psychologists call this loss aversion.  Many studies have demonstrated this tendency.  When participants were asked how much they would have to win to participate in a coin toss where they would lose $50 if they called it wrongly, people set the average price around $1003.  That is, a participant had to win twice as much as she could lose to make it “worth her while.”  Loss of what you already own is much more painful than a gain is pleasurable.
Loss aversion affects more than financial gambles.  When a dad weighs the risks of vaccines, a prominent fact in his mind is that his child is healthy now.  Suppose he consents to give his son the MMR vaccine at 1 year of age, and then at 3 years he’s diagnosed with autism.  If dad convinces himself of a causal relationship between the two events, then the sense of loss he would feel from his complicity seems unbearable.  If he compares that potential loss of his child’s good health against the potential benefits of preventing vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs), uncertain and far in the future as they are, then loss aversion can be the key factor in his decision.   

            Related to loss aversion, people prefer sins of omission (bad outcomes from inaction) compared to sins of commission (bad outcomes from action)4.  Consider two investors.  The first owns stock in company A but considers selling it to buying company B.  He decides not to buy, and later learns he would have gained $2,000 if he had purchased B.  The second owns stock in B and then sells it for stock in A.  He also learns he would have $2,000 had he not sold B.  Which investor regrets his decision more?  When asked this questions, 92% of respondents say the second3.  Regret is a powerful emotional manifestation of loss, and our minds feel more regret when our actions are the cause of a bad outcome. 
            Now consider again the dad who is already uncertain about vaccines and is weighing the risks.  He is the one who has to consent to the shot.  His action of consenting directly results in the vaccination of his child.  If his child develops autism and he believes vaccines were the cause, then he will profoundly regret giving his consent, as he believes he is part of the cause.  However, suppose he decides not to vaccinate.  This is the inactive option since his child is naturally unvaccinated.   If his child catches severe pneumococcal pneumonia, it is easy to imagine that he will more readily forgive himself for his inaction and experience less regret.  In the calculus of choice, regret is an important variable.

Reference Frames
Both loss aversion and regret depend on your frame of reference.  What is the default position against which losses and gains are compared? If asked who is happier, someone with $2000 who wins $500 or someone with $3000 who loses $500, the obvious answer is the first person, by a lot3.  If satisfaction only depended on money, then they should be equally satisfied as they have the same amount at the end of the transaction.  However, we see that the starting point matters; it determines whether a final state is a loss or a gain.  If a third person initially had $2000, was given $1000 briefly and then had $500 taken away, we intuitively see this person is less unhappy (and probably quite happy) compared to the second person above.  This third person, although briefly owning $3000, feels little ownership of it – her frame of reference is starting with $2000 and thus her final state is a net gain of $500.
             Applying this logic to vaccines, we can see that the above examples of loss aversion and regret depend on the reference frame of the unvaccinated child with his current state of health.  From here, perceived injury by a vaccine is viewed as a loss of health and prevention of a VPD is a gain.  Now imagine a society with a robust public health program that has swayed public opinion heavily in favor of vaccines.  Society as a whole views the state of being vaccinated as the default state, where a child’s health should be.  Now when a parent considers not vaccinating, that is an act of commission, as it is their choice (choosing not to) which caused the deviation from the reference state4.  Similarly, he will feel less regret if he believes his child suffers an injury from the vaccine.  He was merely doing his fatherly duty of maintaining the reference health state.  Unfortunately for many people, the vaccinated child is not their reference state and loss aversion and regret come to bear negatively on their decisions. 

Overestimating Small Probabilities
            In general, humans are terrible with statistics, especially with small probabilities.  Research consistently demonstrates that we overestimate the frequency of rare events.  One group of researchers showed that people consistently overestimate the percentage of death from rare causes7. This is particularly true when the events are vivid, as other researchers have shown that people judge death by tornado to be much more frequent than death due to boring, everyday asthma, even though asthma kills 20 times as many people3.  Consider the fear the 9/11 terrorist attacks caused compared to the fear people felt on that same day towards a common, yet much more dangerous, activity such as driving.   Granted, many factors contribute to the fear caused by terrorism, but among them is the fear that you will be the victim of an attack.  This fear is irrational compared to the risk we face everyday by getting into a car. 
            Similar to overestimation, we overweight the importance of small probabilities.  How much would you pay to increase your chance of wining $1000 from 0% to 5%?  What about to increase your chances from 5% to 10%? The latter bet is double the chance to win compared to the former, so would you pay twice as much? Studies demonstrate that you most likely would not; you would pay proportionally more to go from 0 to 5% than from 5 to 10%3.  There is substantial psychological benefit when a person moves from no possibility of winning to any possibility of winning, what researchers call the possibility effect.  There is proportionally less benefit when a person moves from a small chance of winning to a slightly less small chance, and people reflect this preference in the price they are willing to pay for such a gamble.
            Now adverse reactions (AR) to vaccines do happen. All of them are rare; the bad ones, such as severe allergic reactions, are exquisitely rare8. Note that the possibility unfortunately does exist.  Given the above discussion, we know that the undecided parent will see the AR rates as much more frequent than they truly are, particularly because they are so vivid.  For the same reason, he will also overweigh the specter of ARs in his risk calculation.
Availability Cascade
            We can use these observations about risk assessment to explore a powerful, culture-changing process that strongly influences our response to vaccines, the availability cascade (AC). Availability refers to the degree of familiarity we feel towards a topic.  We feel familiar towards things we’ve been more exposed to.  If a topic is more available in our minds, then we will tend to overestimate its frequency, feel like we know more about it than we actually do, and be more likely to use what we know to draw further conclusions3. 
An AC, as Kahneman defines it, is “a self-sustaining chain of events, which may start from media reports of a relatively minor event [author’s addition: or Twitter messages or Facebook statuses] and lead up to public panic and large-scale government action3”.  This is not a belly-flopping Corgi video that you laugh about at work the next day; this is a piece of news that changes your daily life.  This is a viral idea that becomes a plague. Broadly speaking, this happens when a story catches the attention of a subset of people who become concerned.  The media reports the concern as a news story itself, which reinforces the concern in more people. The cycle repeats until the issue gains so much momentum, it has to be addressed on a large scale.  I find it interesting that it’s called a cascade, which may evoke the gentle image of a waterfall in many people’s minds.  However, I don’t think image does the idea justice. I see the process as more powerful and chaotic, more akin to the violent cascade of radiation in nuclear fission.
            Let’s use MMR causing autism as an example.  In 1998, a researcher makes up a bunch of stuff, writes a paper, submits it to a respected medical journal and it gets published (and later retracted). This is, unfortunately, not too unusual an event. The news media prints an article about the paper.  A portion of the population that was already suspicious of vaccines hears about the article and starts to make a ruckus.  A pretty person with a loud voice lends her celebrity to their concerns.  The controversy between nerdy scientists with their pocket protectors and taped glasses who say vaccines are safe and the supermodel who just knows for certain that vaccines caused her child’s autism is too juicy for the news media to ignore.  So the coverage intensifies, adding undue legitimacy to the controversy.  The anti-vaccination arguments begin to bloom and spread like a mushroom cloud –“toxins!, mercury!, overwhelmed immune systems!, government cover-ups!”  With the force of a bomb, they impact parents at their deepest fear, the safety of their child.  There the radioactive ideas remain, sizzling with intense doubt.   This doubt ignites our risk assessment strategies.  The affect heuristic, loss aversion, fear of regret, overestimating and overweighting small probabilities all burn brightly in the concerned parent’s mind.  The process is repeated millions of times, in the minds of anyone who hears such arguments.  Governments, doctors and scientists respond with a slew of non-made-up studies which state that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism.  Unfortunately, the facts do not fix the fears because they do not survive the cognitive processes of risk assessment.  So the cascade continues, its explosions echoing through history, its shockwaves reverberating into the future.

The Facts do not fix the Fears
            If there is main point for healthcare providers it is this: facts are not communication.  Too often, doctors sit with patients and tell them the facts of their illness and how to treat it.  The patient returns 1 month later having done nothing the doctor suggested and we blame it on non-compliance.  Each fact a patient hears has to navigate the gauntlet of our cognitive machinery.  If we do not communicate with an appreciation for people’s loss aversion, heuristics and biases, or terribleness with probabilities, then we are not communicating with a human brain, we are speaking to ourselves.   The only way to do this is both unfortunately cliché and extremely powerful: listen.  By listening, we can identity the patient’s cognitive process and speak not only to their intellectual gaps, but also to their doubts and fears.
            If there is a main point for anybody with an opinion about vaccines it is this: we all use these same cognitive mechanisms, therefore we are all at risk of the same thinking errors.  By extension, we are all wrong about a lot of things a lot of the time. There are members of our species that came up with scientology, believe that Reptilian overlords run the government, and think the Twilight movies are actual artistic achievements, and now this species is debating the merits of vaccines.  It should surprise no one that there are people who conclude wrong things, nor should it surprise you when you are one of those people.  If we understand this, we can approach debates with humility, understanding we are not so different than our opponents. After all, it’s certain that one of your beliefs appears to someone as anti-vaccination beliefs appear to you.  Now don’t get me wrong, this is a serious issue, and we are ultimately debating over the health and safety of our kids.  But in order to convince someone why they are wrong we have to first understand why they are wrong.  We have to understand the quirky shenanigans of cognition and humbly acknowledge that no matter which side of the debate, we all have similar brains that are quite fallible and, therefore, quite human. 


1.         Smith PJ, Humiston SG, Marcuse EK, et al. Parental Delay or Refusal of Vaccine Doses, Childhood Vaccination Coverage at 24 Months of Age, and the Health Belief Model. Public Health Reports. 2011;126(Suppl 2):135-146.
2.         Rottenstreich Y, Hsee CK. Money, kisses, and electric shocks: On the affective psychology of risk. Psychological Science. 2001;12(3):185-190.
3.         Kahneman D. Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan; 2011.
4.         Cappelen A, Mæstad O, Tungodden B. Demand for Childhood Vaccination – Insights from Behavioral Economics. Forum for Development Studies. 2010;37(3):349-364.
5.         Slovic P, Finucane ML, Peters E, MacGregor DG. Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: Some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality. Risk analysis. 2004;24(2):311-322.
6.         Finucane ML, Alhakami A, Slovic P, Johnson SM. The affect heuristic in judgments of risks and benefits. Journal of behavioral decision making. 2000;13(1):1-17.
7.         Lichtenstein S, Slovic P, Fischhoff B, Layman M, Combs B. Judged frequency of lethal events. Journal of experimental psychology: human learning and memory. 1978;4(6):551.

8.         Medicine Io. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality National Academies Press 2012.

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